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Do We Still Need to Sanitize with a COVID-19 Vaccine?

December 16, 2020

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COVID-19 has changed the way we think about viruses. We're living through a pandemic, the likes of which none of us have ever seen. Businesses have closed, schools have closed and staying home has become a necessity; we've gotten used to wearing masks and social distancing, jobs have been lost, and people have died. We've all been waiting for a vaccine to come along that would offer us some freedom from the threat of coronavirus. The reality, of course, is that coronavirus isn't going to go away just because of a vaccine becomes available.

A Person Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine
The recent news of COVID-19 vaccines sounds promising, but we should understand that proper sanitizing and disinfecting is necessary for the vaccine's success. The two pieces work hand-in-hand, as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) indicates regarding any virus. A vaccine is meant to prepare your body to fight infection if it is exposed, and proper cleaning and disinfecting help reduce your exposure, making them critical components toward the success of a vaccine. The goal is to avoid exposure in the first place.

The CDC offers guidelines about proper cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting for the flu and other viruses on their website and promotes the importance of keeping your home and facility sanitized to reduce the threat of germs and bacteria. A vaccine does not eliminate the need for proper cleaning and sanitizing. It is an added measure of protection for the population.

The first line of defense, according to the CDC, is proper cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting and avoiding going to work or school when you're sick. By taking these precautions, the vaccine might never need to do its job. In the CDC report about possible COVID-19 vaccines and how they work, the CDC states:

We Need to Continue to Practice Social Distancing Even if there is a Vaccine
"Stopping a pandemic requires using all the tools available. Vaccines work with your immune system so your body will be ready to fight the virus if you are exposed. Other steps, like masks and social distancing, help reduce your chance of being exposed to the virus or spreading it to others." The CDC reinforces the concept of doing all we can to prevent sickness.

One of the first concerns with a vaccine is that the public will begin to let their guard down, assuming they are protected if they get the vaccine. The CDC, in the same report mentioned above, points out that while there is promise in the upcoming vaccines, experts have no idea how effective they will be. This means that even when a vaccine is available, we must still be on guard and aware of our surroundings. The CDC also points out that when a COVID-19 vaccine is available, it may not be available in the necessary quantities at first. It's possible the vaccine will only be approved for frontline workers and emergency cases at first.

Think about this. The flu runs rampant in the United States every year, even with a vaccine available. The flu, like most viruses, continually evolves to adjust to the vaccines we create to fight them. Without vaccines for the flu and other viruses, we would be at risk of an outbreak very similar to what we've seen with COVID-19. Even with a flu vaccine, the CDC reports in its flu index that it places a "substantial health burden" on people in the United States every year, with between 12,000 and 61,000 deaths annually since 2010. The flu also has resulted in between 9 million and 45 million illnesses in that same time frame and between 140,000 and 810,000 hospitalizations, resulting in huge costs in health services and loss of revenue in the workplace. Remember, this is all from a (flu) virus that's already being controlled by a vaccine.

At Germinator, we don't make vaccines. We're with the rest of the world when it comes to looking forward to a vaccine that will help protect us all from COVID-19. What we do at Germinator is provide a patent-pending process that allows homeowners and business owners to be proactive rather than reactive. With Germinator's services, you can reduce the threat of germs and bacteria in an effective, convenient, and affordable way. We can't quarantine forever. The doors of businesses across the country will once again open, social distancing and wearing masks will become a thing of the past, and we'll all return to life as we remember it. COVID-19 will still be around, and while the vaccine will give us all peace of mind, we will still need to practice good hygiene, including proper cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting of those areas where people live, work, and play. Germinator is the best way to do that.

Germinator's Patent-Pending Process:

ATP Monitor Negative ResultStep 1 – Test Surfaces:
We first test your surfaces for ATP using a luminometer to detect light that can come from cellular activity. This measurement immediately tells us the level of cleanliness on your surfaces.

Our Genesis Treatment Uses HOClStep 2 – Application of Genesis Surface Treatment:
Genesis is a one-step cleaner and broad-spectrum sanitizer and disinfectant treatment that harnesses the power of a HOCl (hypochlorous acid) solution. Derived from naturally occurring minerals, Genesis not only eliminates odors at their source but kills a wide range of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA, Salmonella enterica, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and viruses including norovirus, rotavirus, and adenovirus on hard, non-porous, environmental surfaces. It meets the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (AOAC) germicidal spray standards for Hospital Grade Disinfection and is on the EPA N List of products determined to meet the criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. As a result, this treatment will eliminate bacteria and viruses that may reside in your environment without the use of harsh chemicals or fumes.

Shield Applies a Bacteriostatic FinishStep 3 – Application of Bacteriostatic Finish:
The Shield is a water-based quaternary ammonium compound that imparts a durable bacteriostatic finish to a wide range of non-food contact surfaces. It is EPA-registered as effective against the growth of mold, mildew, algae, and odor-causing bacteria. This application creates an invisible barrier that combats deterioration and discoloration and promotes freshness for up to three months.

The Genesis and Shield products are applied by using an electrostatic sprayer, which is the most efficient and effective means of delivering the products to the intended application sites.

ATP Monitor Positive ResultsStep 4 – Retest Surfaces:
After our surface treatment and protectant services, we retest to ensure the surfaces have achieved the intended results.

Germinator is the best choice for many reasons, starting with our knowledge and experience. This is our specialty. We've been 100% focused on just sanitizing and disinfection services since 2015. We've conducted extensive studies based on experiments with other methods like ozone, UV light, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide, and other quats. These studies were reviewed by our Scientific Board comprised of top medical professionals, including a former Assistant Surgeon General for five administrations. We make claims we know we can back up.

Our product efficacy is another reason we're the right choice. Germinator acquired the products that would provide the most effective combination for cleaning and disinfecting and protection services available for commercial applications on the market. Our products are EPA registered as effective for their intended uses and further validated by our own Scientific Board. This all goes hand-in-hand with our knowledge and experience.

We Validate Our Work Using ATP Testing
Since we use state-of-the-art services at the most competitive and cost-effective prices available, our program improves upon routine janitorial services that use more harsh chemicals and have limited application capabilities. The CDC and the Environmental Protection Agency have consistently warned against the types of chemicals used in the majority of janitorial products, particularly in health settings and schools and daycares. You have no such worry when you use Germinator.

At Germinator, we're so confident in the efficacy of our program that it includes a verification component. For each application, we verify that the surface treatment and protectant services have achieved the intended results.

Are you interested in learning how you can get Germinator services into your facility? Call us at 855-NO-GERMZ (664-3769) for any questions you have or to find out how to get Germinator service. Let us be a part of helping you reduce the threat of germs and bacteria in your home or workplace today. Give your family, your employees, and your customers peace of mind.

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